Sunday, October 25, 2009

Japan Osaka 3

i know...i has been a long time since i updated..3-4 months..or more?
seriously lazy to an extend...
but anyway...since i m on my study week now, supposingly to STUDY..ANYWAY...
I will end my posting on Japan first . cut everything short...i will just post those memorable parts..
which..include my solo trip to----NARUTO!! (鳴門)

I tend to decide things really really at the last minute. For this trip, i decided the night before, around 11pm?? and i left early next morning, not enough time to inform others. um, just one of mates that i informed, which i bumped into her in somewhere i forgot in the institute.

I knew this place existed, just never come across my mind to visit it. And it just struck me that night that i have to go somewhere to fill my day for the next morning. Alone.

So i gathered information from the internet (japanese websites for public transport are incredible ex: that helps u with all the train routes from all over japan..AND keep in mind that their train routes are crazy. In Mal, the most is Star- KTM/ Star-Mono, But in Japan, a single station could be open up to more than 10 routes, n u have to find your way on the right track, right train,--a track could be occupied by several trains as well. One word-Madness. Having fun finding my way out. Seriously.) and from the reception counter as well.

Started off the next day to Naruto..

The main Attraction for me to visit Naruto---is the Whirlpool (渦潮)-うずしお.

--first, u need to board a boat to go really near to the whirlpools. U can choose to watch from the bridge above too, but, i choose the boat. Closer.. xD

The boat..with announcers explaining on where u are heading to, what u will be seeing and so on..there was even a museum on it about whirlpools..

The calm sea..45 min ride to the centre of the sea..

and the crazy me..

Faint swirls...not quite clear..

--Swirling...swirling...swirling whirpool

a faint swirl...

a break in between ---the black water, and the greenish ones. according to the explanation, it mention something about a high tide rushing to a lower tide which causes the break in the middle and ofcourse the whirlpool. This attracts my attention even more than the whirlpool. The borders are seriously breathtaking..

i didnt got much luck to see a big one that day...just minor ones..not in the season yet

even on the journey, which i took a bus, with only me and an old couple from Hiroshima, on a 40 passenger bus.

Which thanks to them, explained to me alot on when is best to watch the big swirls to where to get down the bus. I m seriously clueless of where i should be going..(due to insufficient preparation) and although i did check out alternative routes, everything seem to change on the way, when i start meeting people, getting better/worse advise on which is the BEST way to reach the destination. Had been talking to countless strangers all along. Only i realise till the end of the journey that, by showing my student card i could get a 30% discount off. I paid for RM50++ for the bus fare, RM20++ fore the train fare, and RM30++ for the boat ride. For to and fro, i spend almost RM250++ solely on transportation. Yes. Transportation is very very expensive over there. U cant find a RM2 per ride Rapid Japan/tokyo/whatsoever over there. Every bus trip is at least---the cheapest: RM5-6. taxi is even worse. RM30 is expensive in Malaysia but there, they charge u RM20-25(depends on area) once u board the taxi. and later..u can immagine. I had taken a ride of RM300++by taxi there. Sponsored by my host. Luckily.AND THANKFULY.

Ah...before i boarded the boat, i tried grill fresh scalops there..and a normal udon. Students mar..cant afford lobster. little prawn will do..

Bought some seaweeds and ended my day. Miss the green tea there though..Drank it everywhere i went.

Do visit Naruto if you want to experience something new and fresh. But frankly speaking there wasn't other tourist attraction over there in Naruto except for the whirpool. That was what i aimed for, and really glad that i went on my crazy plan. I was still thinking that I am out of my mind at 7am morning that day(waiting for bus). The shuttle ojisan was shocked that i want to travel soo far to another prefecture that, seldome people visit. Not quite a tourist atraction as it was really out of town. Anyway. I m glad that i went on with it.

A one day trip that i will remember forever.

I am not the only one. I have crazy friends(ahem...CYD..) that took night bus(9hrs ride?) to Nagano for 2 days trip.

I think most of us went all out since we have this opportunity.


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