Saturday, May 10, 2008

Bye Bye

I couldnt believe that i actually worked for almost 3 mths in HP. My first intention when i enter, is, I swear that i will get out of here within 1 month. And HAHA... only now i came out..and forever.

It was a really good experience, big diff from school life, connecting to the real world, through the "Cisco" Phone.It was kind of mix feelings in there.

Every conversation started off with the same old script, but directed to diff zillion kinds of ppl out there. Seriously, the ppl you will 'meet' through here, has all kind of colors in them.

Those weirdos , aha...thankfully, GOODBYE FOREVER. Won't need to talk to them anymore.
My nightmare, and thanks to them, they spiced up my life in there. Give me loads of trouble, put me into misery, without them, my life there would be BORINGGGGGGGG. Those Dr's, Prof.'s, and WHATSOEVER ----graded under ---"HIGH CLASS WEIRDOS"/ "HIGH CLASS TROUBLE" which give ppl like us sooo much rojak troubles, SO LONG AND BYE BYE.
Big possibility that i will still meet ppl like these out there, but thanks to these customers, HAHAHA I got EXPERIENCE already, TRAINING sumore.Hear them talk then can detect "PROBLEM" already. Special Big THANKS to DR. CHW, hope u don't read blogs, and don't sue me, i have no money.I 'met' him when i was at my first two days on floor, got his call with loads of LUCK, then misery starts. It ends though, most agents from HP kena fr him as well, but for my part, already ended.Haha...basically he will call in everyday recently, so dear remaining agents, GOOD LUCK.HAHAHA...

A big thanks to all our menthols, the permanents, specifically Melissa, Angie, Vivian and others. Bugging you guys for desperate answers to PSG products in the first two weeks especially, when my line is still open to General ATF Lines. And a serious apology, to all my mistakes + troubles. And special thanks to Margaret, for hiring me, and helping me through those probs that i come to you.

And to my crappy team lead Eddie, AHA---filled with loads of craps, they will miss you most when you are gone. Thanks for helping me through this period. With all kinds of Crap and non-Crap things that were taught by you, thanks,really appreciate it..

And other team mates Jia yu, Tze Shun, Kelly, Justin and others, life would be sooo BORED..without u guys. Will miss you guys alot, alot. Special thanks to Justin, the big "Indian" there--(in Japanese, "Inoshishi" is kind of Wild boar, I dont think thats what you meant rite?? I think for you, "Buta" shd be the right word haha.. don't use lar!) And my backup- Stephanie, gud luck, hopefully not much trouble..haha..

And to the admins, esp Wei Kuan and Aaron, owed u guys alot on the refund issues and TM part. Nice to meet all of you, and good luck to XY and Aaron, who may join the team later on.

Quite a long post....being so attached to this job from morning till night, thinking, doing and dreaming of it for at least 2 mths ++ .It was an unforgettable experience. But it is time for me to cut it, paste it in my past and move on to second phrase. Very hard to detach though..thats why i m jotting such a long post..haha.So that i can clear my mind.

I will be leaving for jp nxt tues. And, I haven't packed a single THING!!

Guys and gals, BYE BYE, and keep in touch via msn yea!!

PS: as for the newly recovered tag board...lazy to maintain previously, dats why i put it down for such a long time..haha..

1 comment:

Jia Hui said...

Heyyyyy.. Remember me? I couldn't drop by earlier due to exams. Anyway, seems like you are already in japan. Enjoy! =)