Thursday, March 27, 2008


some pictures to share...^^

Below pictures are taken from my mom's and relatives trip to India's December.
Kind of religious tripp i can say..
And it was when i thought below effects are camera effect, it struck me when i m actually seeing it at Qi Xiang's blog where he was at some religious ceremony.
That's why i decided to post it up..

ok, fyi, i m regarding to the pale coloured ORBS,

namely the MANDARA.

round in shape, and can only be captured under camera's flash lights.

There was only a few in QX's photo, but there were UNCOUNTABLE ammount of them in the photos my mom took from the trip. ACCORDING 2 THEM, those are some unexplainable spiritual thingy which croud around places where religious ceremony are going on, and the place where below photos were took are at a really grand ceremony, crowded by thousands of lhamas and long sessions of prayers were conducted. By the way, its definitely NOT camera effect. cause everyone captured it that night.

hard to explain.....hard to believe...

"where got such thing 1....dun bluff effect.."
says me....
look below....

Before the ceremony....

the lhamas, oung and adults and a small amount of MANDARAs..

A Pic of my aunt with the lhamas, and the big" orb"--MANDERA

the clear view of the UNCOUNTABLE MANDARAs at the ceremony.

the mandaras and the 'line'----there wasnt any light deco in the sky, nothing above to be tied to, and it just shot out in the mid. btw, they couldn't even see it without the photo session.
haha...the funny part is, there was even a photo from my uncle, where the line shot INTO his head, i saw it, but photo not with me...maybe get it fr him someday...
ER......I SERIOUSLY think that it is camera effect.
by the way, not every mandaras comes in an orb shape but diamond shapes too, which are rare...
now i feel like i m crapping.....
because i m talking bout' something that even I DON'T believe.....


Anonymous said...

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jo-n said...

umm... if im not mistaken, it is camera effect...

tats wat happened to my pics when i take pics at nite or in the dark... cos the iso is high... so it produce these "noises" on your pics...